Monday, July 2, 2007

Sacrificial Giving from a Tender Heart

Last night I had "Team Nicaragua" - the group of high school students I'm taking on our annual mission trip to Nicaragua over to my house for one of our training sessions. We were talking about cross cultural issues and going through a case study, as well as talking about being spiritually prepared and praying for the financial support to come in (each student has to raise about $900).

I noticed Brock would pop in and out from playing in his room to sit behind me on the floor in the family room (he loves to hang out with the "big kids"). At the end of the meeting, I was closing in prayer when I heard him scurry out of the room. I finished praying and he walked up behind me with a wad of money in his hand and said, "Dad, I just wanted to give some money to help this team go to Nicaragua and to help the children down there." I reached out my hand to receive the money and had to fight back the tears as I explained how his money would help and what it would be used for. He was beaming with a face of joy... to know that he was supporting God's work. It was in that moment the Scripture that tells us it is better to give than receive came to life. After he walked away, I looked down at my hand to see four $1 bills that he had taken out of his bank in his room.

I've been thinking alot about Brock's gift last night. I'm sitting in the office today processing some very large checks that have come in for our students. Every gift is important and every gift will have an immediate and eternal impact for the Kingdom of God. But one gift in particular gave me a great look into the heart of a child and served as a great reminder of what sacrificial giving looks like. I'm so very proud of Brock and the young man God is growing him to become.

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