Tuesday, July 10, 2007


We made it back. I'm sitting in a usually very familiar place (my desk in my office) that seems at this moment very unfamiliar. It is hard to leave the mountain - in more ways than one. Spiritually speaking, God met some great men on mountaintops and their lives were changed forever. I think we have had a very similar experience. And just like in Scripture part of our hearts cry out to say, "Can't we just stay up here - maybe we can pitch a tent and live here forever!" We will one day and that is why our hearts desire it so much. But we weren't created to live on the mountain, we are valley dwellers by nature and God's design.

The valley isn't a fun place to live. Pain, heartache, broken relationships and problems abound in the valley. But God prepares us for valley living by giving us glimpses of Himself on the mountain. But it is hard to come down when you've had such an incredible time in His presence.

That's camp. But more than camp is life in Christ. That's real life. My challenge and desire for you students is that you will take what God has done in your life and live it out in the valley. Share your heart with others. Share your story. Love like the Father God loves you. He's your Father, Abba, Daddy, Papa. Live in Him and His grace.

1 comment:

Kristy said...

hey todd,
i just want to thank you for everything you do in camp and at church. you are such a blessing in my life and everyone around you. you kept things in line and sane around camp and thanks for that. god changed me in many ways at camp and i am more thankful than ever right now.
thanks again