Thursday, July 19, 2007


It's hard to believe the we are at the halfway point for MS Camp here at Kulaqua. I know I can speak for our students in saying we aren't going to want to come home! I think that points to the unity that God is building among our students. Not that things have been perfect, or feelings haven't been hurt... but for the most part, our students are really getting to know each other and more importantly, love each other. And of course, the famous Wildwood Student Ministry slow clap always helps in building great unity and team spirit!

Of course by this point at camp, the camp nurse and I are on a first name basis. Fortunately we have only dealt with some upset stomachs, headaches and little heat exhaustion and bandaids. We hope to keep it that way.

Today was a jam-packed day that started with a great challege to be connected to the living water that only God offers. We were challenged not to take any subsititutes for that water to get life, but to truly find life in Christ. It has been really encouraging to me to watch our students engage in worship and then show me that they are processing what they are hearing by asking really good questions! So be sure to ask them some good questions about what they have heard, learned and experienced this week. And be patient - it make take a few times asking to get it out of them!

The afternoon offered alot of different experiences around camp (basketball tourney, blob, waterpark, etc) while I took some students on the snorkeling excursion. The water was a brisk (actually downright cold) 72 degrees at Ginny Springs. We explored the springs and the Santa Fe River and had a fun time together.

Tonight after worship we had church hang time. So we hit the gym for a fun night of dodgeball, buck buck and then a hayride. It was good to have some time together as a church. Then we had a special surprise to celebrate our camp birthdays - Katie & Danielle!

PS - Parents, thanks so much for sending your kids care packages. My staff and I really enjoy stealing their cookies!

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