Saturday, July 28, 2007

Mission Nicaragua :: Day 2

We had another beautiful day here in Nicaragua. We divided our team by gender today to be able to get more hands working. The girls went with Melissa to the new Rescue House, which the Buzbees just purchased and are in the process of coverting it to a home that will be used for girls who need to flee the conditions of an abusive family or the dump in general. This, of course, will be overwhelming, but much needed for those they are able to take in. Our girls became the painting team for today and were able to get alot of the interior painted. They got the chance to interact with Vilma and her daughters who were rescued from a life in the dump and are living in the home currently. Her twin babies required round the clock care and feeding when we were here last summer to get them to a stable condition after birth. Now they are quite healthy and are even walking around!

The guys and I went back to work at the home in La Trudeca. We had some professional help in preparing the rebar and then we were off to making concrete. 10 buckets of sand, 4 buckets of rock, 2 bags of concrete and add water. This was "old school" Nicaragua style concrete making right on the ground. So it was lots of hands mixing by shovel to get the right consistency. And then we repeated that process for two more big batches. But we got the foundation poured so we can start building the walls on Monday.

Since it was Saturday, we were able to work only a half day - until about 2 pm. So after making a pit stop for the best fruit popsicles you've ever tasted, we headed back to the compound to relax and swim some in the pool. Our workdays won't be like this next week, so I hope we don't get used to the pool too much! Thanks for your prayer support. Pray for a meaningful Sabbath for us as we experience church in a different culture and language. If you want to leave a message for a team member, you can leave a comment (below) or email Pics from today below.

1 comment:

yesmamjulie said...

Hi Team! Alyssa says hi too (she's in Tallahassee for the weekend). When we read about the Starbucks incident at the Jacksonville airport, we knew immediately who was involved (Samantha)! Mrs. Wright thinks Anna must have been in that group too! We heard a message from Pastor Bob this morning about encouragement and encouraging one another. Be encouraged! We are praying for you today, on the Sabbath.
~ The Costas family