Monday, February 25, 2008


We wrapped up our DiscipleNow 2008 this past weekend. It was an awesome yet exhausting weekend all in one. Our theme was collide as we journeyed toward understanding a Christ-centered worldview... learning to live in the world but not of the world.

This is the tension of the life of a Christ-follower. A daily battle between the old nature and the Spirit of the living God within us - redeeming us and making us new. I'm amazed at how strong the pull of the world can be... enticing the desire of my flesh to be the boss and live to please myself. Yet we are challenged in Romans 12 not to be squeezed into the world's mold, but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds.

Some days I fight well, or better said, I follow the Spirit's lead and let Him fight on my behalf. Other days are more bleak. But I'm challenged by 1 John 2:6 that says, "Whoever claims to be in Christ must walk as Jesus did." Praise God for giving us a great example to follow. My prayer coming out of this weekend is that I would be faithful to walk as Jesus' walked, and that the desire for the things of God would continue to captivate my heart's attention.