Friday, July 6, 2007


Well we have made it to the mountain. I think there is a alot of symbolism in coming to the mountain for camp. Great men of God have had their lives changed radically on mountains where God met them. Jesus often withdrew to the mountain to be with His Father. We are praying the same for our students and leaders.

We had a rather uneventful bus ride - and that's a good thing. I don't miss the days of playing "Red Rover" with 200 students in a bus stop while a bus was being fixed! We managed to get a good night sleep and things have started off well. I don't have the camera with me right now to pst some pics, but I hope to later. Especially of the camp haircuts. I take no credit or responsiblity for that matter if your student comes back with a mowhawk! Unless you like it, then I charge $10 a cut. Some of them are pretty funny, but it is hair and it does grow back. I hope you don't have family pictures scheduled for next week.

The haircut tradition started at my first camp I did with Wildwood, but I promise I didn't start it. Someone else brought the razor. But it has served as a really neat bonding experience (at least for the guys) and they other churches look on us with envy. Or maybe that is another look, I'm not quite sure.

Anyhow, everyone is well. Please be praying for us. And please be praying for my wife, Brooke and her family. We got a call right before camp that her grandfather died. I'm leaving in the morning (Sat) with a rental car to be at the funeral with my family and then I will drive back to Chattanooga that afternoon. I'm leaving the students in very capable hands with my staff. More updates and pics to come!


torledsky said...

Todd my prayers go to you and your family be safe

Alan Torledsky

Pam Wilson said...

Praying for you, your family, and campers. Thx for posts and pics
Pam Wilson