Saturday, July 7, 2007


Our first full day of camp is under our belt. We had an awesome day here at Covenant. We had a pretty typical day that started out with breakfast, chapel, interactives and lunch. After lunch we headed down the mountain to downtown Chattanooga on the Riverbank. We took a stroll by the Tennessee Aquarium and then headed over the Walnut Bridge to Coolidge Park - home of the best ice cream around... Clumpies Ice Cream. They served all 51 of us and then we introduced the park to the Wildwood game of Buck Buck (no room to explain here). It was a great afternoon to spend together and we had some good bonding time. Downtown is a fun place and it was good to get away from "camp" for a bit.

Back for dinner and evening actvities: chapel, family group time and then the sports competitions. Just a little history here: Wildwood has started a sports dynasty at camp (I'd like to think it is their great student pastor coach) but anyhow, we have won Dodgeball 2 years in a row, and last year we added an Ultimate Frisbee and Soccer Championship. So there is a lot of other churches after us.

Tonight we competed in volleyball (we advanced to the 3rd round before losing) and basketball (went down hard in the first round). So we aren't off to a good start, but we did have fun. The students are off to bed now and I hope to be soon. I've uploaded some pics below so enjoy!

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