Monday, August 5, 2013

Mission Nicaragua :: Day 7

Wow... day 7.  That's hard for all of us to believe.  This mission has moved at a pretty rapid pace so far.  Today, though, was a much needed day of rest.  We awoke on this Lord's Day ready to meet with Him.  We traveled in to Managua to Verbo Church - where the Buzbees attend.  It's a very international church with other Americans worshipping there, however, it is all in Spanish.

It seems to hit me every year just how amazing it is that around the world - worship rises to heaven from every tribe, tongue and nation.  While we were here worshipping in Spanish, our faith family back at Wildwood was worshipping in English and others from around the world are joining in the praise.  It was a real vision of heaven that God graced me with today and what an amazing day that will be when every knee will bow and tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.  It is awesome to think that we are practicing today what we will enjoy for an eternity!

We are enjoying our meal times here at the compound.  The team from North Carolina returned home while we were at camp.  The FSU med team has arrived and so has another college team led by Katie P.  It's always fun to share this experience with others and have an opportunity to get to know other teams.

After lunch we headed down to the Market.  This has become a staple on our trips and it is quite an experience.  There aren't too many places where you can shop for cheap souvenirs made in China (with "Nicaragua" on them), cow eyeballs (and other unmentionable parts), raw meat, pinatas, shoes, clothing and even get a haircut all under one roof.  But our students love going so I take one for the team each year.

We returned to the compound to have a bit of down time this afternoon.  Some enjoyed swimming and just relaxing.  We had hoped to make it to Los Cedros for evening church, but weren't able to fit it in the schedule unfortunately.  We love the Los Cedros community and have served there for many years, so we hope to plan a visit at some point this week.

God is really moving in a powerful way during our team time each night as we continue on this journey to better understand what it means to be a disciple who takes seriously the call to follow Jesus.  We are seeing that more and more Scripture calls us to lay down our heart, mind, will and desires to have them transformed and renewed by Christ for His glory and His mission.

Tomorrow we start our construction work in the Las Parecelas community.  We've got some big projects ahead of us but are excited to be able to see the children, their families and serve their community.  Thanks, as always, for supporting this mission in prayer!

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