Friday, August 2, 2013

Mission Nicaragua :: Day 3

The Spirit is definitely at work here at Campo.  Today we had the morning to set-up camp (with our limited supplies) to prepare for the children’s arrival.  Our team was busy preparing the different areas and finalizing or improvising the lesson plans to be ready for camp to begin.

Just before noon the children and a few adults from the community of Las Parcelas arrived.  This is a very poor, rural, farming community where the Buzbees have land that is currently being developed as Ruby Ranch.  This will one day be the new camp facility our teams will use.  But we have invested in this community and the families for the last three years.  Last year our team built a home in the community and also hosted a day camp.

For many of these children, this is a first time experience to not only leave their community, but come to a place like Campo Alegria.  It is very similar to a child in the States going to Disney for the first time.  We don’t have roller coasters, here but it is a beautiful place with new sights to see, things to explore, a lake to swim in and a team of gringos hosting a camp for them!

They arrived and were greeted by our usual fanfare.  The big smiles and wide eyes said enough.  Camp has begun.  After some quick rules and introductions we divided into groups and they met their leader.  We got them moved into the dorms and then enjoyed a lunch together.  Post-lunch is always swimming time and we really wore them out.  So much that they finished early and we had to scramble for another activity… so we taught them what a “Scavenger Hunt” is.  I learned this doesn’t really have a translation, so we went with “Treasure Hunt”.   They had a blast and then it was time for dinner.

The food is delicious as always and it is always so humbling to be able to serve the children their food.  Many never have the opportunity to eat quite like this – 3 meals a day with seconds if desired! 

After dinner, we had our evening chapel and I’m teaching this week on what it looks like to make wise choices.  We’re looking at what the Bible calls being wise in opposition to being foolish.  I’m praying this will open doors good Gospel conversations. 

Before bed, we host our movie and cookie time.  However, the kids were so exhausted that they left before the movie was over for bed!  So this gave our team some extra time for our evening team time.  We are studying what Jesus meant when He said, “follow me” and the implications that has on our lives.  This along with our small groups is always the highlight of my time here with our team. 

Sorry we haven’t been able to upload or tweet out many pics.  The internet connection is sketchy at best and can’t handle the size of data being uploaded.  Hopefully we can catch up some when back at the Buzbees.

Thanks for your continued prayer support!

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