Friday, August 9, 2013

Mission Nicaragua :: Day 11

The last full day of our time here in Nicaragua.  I feel fairly confident that this entry won't do justice to our time today and all that God did.  But here I go anyway...

I have been praying for a partnership with a local church in the Las Parcelas community that we have spent so much time in.  One that we can invest in and support and also learn from.  Since our team was so awesome and knocked out our concrete job, we were looking for another way to invest in the community and get in another day of work.  So Henri mentioned the church his family goes to (which is the church he got married in).  Brinson and I had done a quick scouting trip there yesterday and it seemed like a great fit.

It's a humble lower block/upper wood building with 6 homemade wooden pews.  It has a few light bulbs and a table up front.  It's a part of a larger church (Tabernacle de Josua 1:9) that is in the next community over.  They have about 40 or so that worship together.

For us, it was great to see such a humble space that still accomplishes the work of the church.  It reminded us that it doesn't take much, since people are the true church... the body of Christ.  It also challenged us to remember that the Great Commission calls us to be disciples who can make disciples of all the nations.  It doesn't take a fancy building (or one at all) to accomplish this task.

Arriving with 15 gallons of paint and supplies this morning, we made quick work painting their building.  Paint is very expensive here in Nicaragua and most people don't paint their houses.  However, they do love color - so we knew this would be a blessing.  And even though the pastor was unable to make it down to visit with us today, he sent his thanks.  We are praying for a chance to build this relationship and to strive to strengthen the body of Christ here in Las Parceleas.

After lunch, we headed back to the compound to quickly clean up and head to Sister Ruby's house of prayer.  You'll have to catch some previous year's posts to catch up on who Sister Ruby was.  But this is always an important and powerful time for our teams each and every year.

This year was no exception.  God showed up in power.  He brought healing.  He brought conviction.  He brought encouragement.  He gave new life in Christ.  He received worship and thanks.  We are all a bit spiritually and physically drained from that time of prayer, but also likewise very encouraged.

After prayer time we had our team dinner at La Finca - a local restaurant.  We laughed, talked, pigged out a bit and just enjoyed our last night together here in Nicaragua.

We are so grateful to God for all He did today and this mission in general.  We can't wait to return and share, but we pray that these blogs have been encouraging to you as you read and pray for our team.

Tomorrow we head home.  But we always remember that the mission never ends.  We are praying for opportunities to continue to share the Gospel in word and deed as we travel home.

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