Monday, August 9, 2010

Mission Nicaragua: Day 14

We knew this day was eventually going to come... the last day of camp. As tiring as camp can be, it is always difficult to say goodbye to the kids. God has shown up in such a powerful way at camp. Not only has our team done an amazing job working together to pull off camp, but God really seemed to be at work in the lives of the kids. The kids asked great questions, listened well to God's Word and a good many even accepted Christ! And besides all of that we just had a great time with them and were honored to provide that experience for them.

I can't imagine the stories that are being shared even tonight as the children returned home. Some are definitely returning to less that ideal conditions whether it be family dynamics or socio-economic conditions. Yet what they have experienced and received can never be taken away from them. Our prayer is that they would always remember what God did in their hearts at Campo Alegria 2010.

After our morning sessions we brought everyone back together for a going away celebration. We started it off right with a whack at our pinatas. There's nothing more fun, yet scary than these kids with a baseball bat in their hands and swinging it around blindfolded! We then gathered together for our closing assembly. I was able to share a simple blessing and prayer for their lives. Then we showed the camp highlights slideshow - and the kids love seeing themselves up on the screen. Finally, we handed out the backpacks that we provided for them. Each one was loaded with school supplies, toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, bubbles, t-shirt, small toy and a stuffed animal. They were so excited to open them and so grateful to receive them. What a blessing for us to be able to provide this for them.

Then in true Nica fashion we chased the bus down the drive to say our final goodbye. But it will be a short lived goodbye as we are going to their community of Los Cedros tomorrow to visit them at school and even visit some of their homes. I'm sure it will be an eye opening experience for us to see where they come from and how they live.

We also had a good team time tonight. Many thoughts and ideas where shared about camp and how we can improve for next year. We also talked through some expectations that weren't met and how sometimes God can show up in unexpected and unplanned ways. We are all trying to train our eyes to see God moments and train our ears to hear His voice. And above all we want to see and know Him for who He is and live our lives in obedience to Him. Please continue to pray for us in our remaining time here.

PS - A special anniversary shout out to Santee from Rhonda here in Nica!

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