Thursday, August 5, 2010

Mission Nicaragua: Day 10

Well the transition has taken place and the handoff has been made from our construction team to our camp team. We sent our construction team off bright and early to the airport, despite the girls sleeping through their alarm and having to move very quickly to get moving!

The camp team was able to get a good night's rest and transition to Nica time. We had a good team time together as we opened the Word and accepted the challenge to "set our minds and hearts on things above" for this mission. Our prayer is that God would meet us here - in our time together and our time alone in the Word.

We loaded up the bus and left the Buzbees around mid-morning for camp. It's a bit over a two hour ride to camp, but we pass through many unique towns and get a beautiful view of Nica as we travel up in elevation. We arrived at Campo Alegria and had our lunch and some down time before getting unloaded and preparing for the kids arrival in the morning. We had great weather and the camp is located on Lake Nicaragua which is one of the largest freshwater lakes and also has Volcan Concepcion in the middle. The only drawback to the beauty is some of God's little creatures that are swarming, crawling and pretty much everywhere so most are having to get beyond their bug-phobias pretty quickly!

Our camp staff prepared an amazing traditional Nica dinner of nacatamales, rice, plantains, fruit and rice pudding for our dinner which was a great way for us to start camp together! After dinner we had our team time and took a look into God's Word before moving into our small groups for discussion and prayer. We hope to get one more good night of rest before the Nica kids arrive tomorrow and our sleep schedules change drastically!

I am just praising God for how He moved in our construction team and the work that we were able to accomplish and now we are praying with expectation for God to again meet us here and move through this camp team as well. We are looking forward to getting camp going and bringing the hope of the Gospel and the love of Christ to these kids. We appreciate you joining us in prayer!

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