Friday, August 6, 2010

Mission Nicaragua: Day 11

Our last relaxing morning where we could sleep in a bit is gone and will be replaced by the sound of children stirring around 5:30am. So while we could, we had some time to simply enjoy the beauty of God's creation here at camp and have some time alone in His Word... just desiring to hear from Him.

But shortly after... camp officially began! In the distance we heard the sound of the bus coming down the dirt road so we jumped up to form our welcoming line. We have 49 children that have joined us from the Los Cedros community. We put on a camp two years ago and we immediately saw a few familiar faces, but the good majority have never been to Campo Alegria before. We have Abran, Mahaila & Louie with us from a home we built in Los Cedros five years ago. It was awesome for me personally, to get to see them (even though we go see them every year) and have them at camp with us.

Camp went well for our first day as we got some of our activities underway, did our first evening session, had swim time, free time and just great chances to start interacting with the kids and learning their names. They seem to be a good group of kids and are incredibly excited to be here at camp. We're already bonding with them and communicating the universal language of love through physical touch. All of these kids long to be held, played with or to tackle you during swim time. Everywhere we go, we have little shadows.

It's such a amazing reminder that Jesus said that the Kingdom was for the little ones and that entry would be through the faith of a child. So following Jesus model, we are striving to love the kids and point them to Christ.

We were able to sneak away during our evening movie to grab some team time together. Camp is pretty fast paced and you are on duty 24/7, so having some time together or even individual time with the Lord can be a challenge. But God is already meeting us here in our time and we are seeing Him at work among us and the camp in general. Thanks for continuing to stand with us in prayer!

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