Friday, July 30, 2010

Mission Nicaragua: Day 3

Another hot but beautiful day working in Los Cedros at the church. We are really making good progress as we get a bit more handy at making the rebar, mixing the concrete, moving the block and making the mortar. God has definitely put together a great team as we all enjoy working together and serving each other. It is so awesome for me as a pastor to see the body of Christ at work and to be a part of it.

A special part of our time here in Nica each year is going back and seeing our previous team projects and families. Today we want back to a home that we built 5 years ago. No one other than myself was on that team, but we have seen this family each year. It was such a blessing to reconnect and hear how they are doing and their 5 children and to pray for them.

Today we hit a few slow spots which gave us some awesome opportunities to play with the local kids after they get out of school. I always come down loaded with trinkets, stickers, candy and more. We simply were sharing the love of Christ through the universal language of "playing" today and giving of gifts. Many of the kids just love hanging out at the worksite and even pitched in to help us move block today.

During another slower portion of our day, a segment of our team broke away to go on a prayer walk through Los Cedros. Many had never prayer walked before and came back very excited with stories of neighbors they met and prayed with. They were also able to give out a good many of the Spanish Bibles we brought with some of our team's testimonies that had been translated to Spanish inside. God's Spirit was moving ahead of this team and gave them many ministry opportunities as they walked the streets. Everyone is very community oriented and open to having someone approach their home and even pray with them. It is definitely a change from the way things are in the States.

Tonight after dinner we had our annual 'unpack all the donated clothes fashion show and dance party' in the Rancho. Many thanks to those of you who gave clothes to the ministry down here and also for our temporary enjoyment tonight. It's always a huge undertaking, but somehow the fashion show and dance party makes the tedious work go by a bit faster. The clothes are such a blessing to those down here who will receive them and have so little.

Our day tomorrow will bring us a bit closer to the completion of the back room at the church and we'll also get to see the FSU med team in action as they will be doing a clinic inside the church in Los Cedros while we are working outside. We might also be able to start our painting project at the Christian school in Los Cedros tomorrow as well. Thanks for your continued prayer support!

1 comment:

Curt Stine said...

Hey, Todd. I think you're staying at the same place as the FSU Med team. The leaders of the team--Dr. VanDurme and Campbell--are both friends and colleagues. Give them a greeting from the folks who stayed behind.

Curt Stine, MD