Friday, July 30, 2010

Mission Nicaragua: Day 4

I wanted to start by simply saying what an amazing privilege it is to take these teams down to Nicaragua each year. This team has hit the ground running in so many different ways and it is such a joy to be able to labor together for the Kingdom. And even more rewarding is seeing God work in and through each and everyone on our team as their God given gifts, abilities and personalities are used for His glory.

We are making good progress on the two exterior walls at the church that we are building from the ground up. Once the process gets going, it seems to move a bit quicker each day. Today, we poured the forms for the columns and center rebar, so we are over halfway there on these two walls.

Today the FSU med team was serving at the same church in Los Cedros. This gave us the opportunity to see them in action, but also brought alot more people to the church that we could interact with and more kids to play with in our down time. We also took some time this afternoon to travel a few streets over to a home we build two years ago in Los Cedros. This was the home of Mauroje, a widow who is a member of the church. She lives at the base of a small mountain that after we spent some time with her and her family and prayed for them, we all decided to climb to get a view of all of Los Cedros. It was an exciting adventure to say the least and we all had a very challenging climb up a rock face to make it to the top.

We came back tonight and in the midst of God's fireworks show (lightning all around) we sang praises and opened up his Word up on the 3rd floor for our team time tonight. We looked at passages in Isaiah that show God's majesty and our necessary response and it seemed very fitting as He displayed His majesty all around us!

God is doing a good work. We appreciate and cover your prayers each day as we hope to see Christ formed in us and work through us. We're off to more brick laying tomorrow at the church and hopefully an afternoon of painting over at the Christian school where we have served before on two other trips.

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