Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Elevate: Day 5

I'm finding that writing these updates a few days late is a bit more difficult. But weighing the options between writing a current update (at 3:30am after tech load-out) or waiting until later... well, you can see what won out.

Tuesday was our last full day at camp and it was a jam packed day. It was a typical day as far as schedule went, but a very special day when looking back on it all. Everything from morning worship to the interactives, evening worship and even our closing time together during our huddles were powerful moments where we felt the presence of the Lord and a real sense of community together.

During our free time, we made our annual pilgrimage to Clumpies Ice Cream in downtown Chattanooga. We have created a tradition of sorts as we make our way from the riverbank, across the footbridge and then over to Coolidge Park. As you will see in the pics - we had a great time together enjoying some beautiful weather!

The last night at camp is always a special night. Adam and the band led in a Spirit-filled time of worship and Brent brought the message and continued to challenge us to a life that pursues Christ above all else. During our huddle time, I had the privilege to share a challenge with our students and also allow them to share what God had been showing them and teaching them at camp this year.

Our already full day went even longer with our first ever "Southland's Got Talent" Show. We had great representation from the Wood with a solo act, a duo and even an 'everyone's in' rap. We do have some talented students!

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