Friday, August 31, 2007

Into Daddy's Arms

Most of my spiritual journey these days tends to revolve around either my students or my kids. Neither of which is bad, but makes for interesting perspectives on life and God. I'm always amazed at how God can teach us through the lives of others. I guess that is why we are on this journey of faith together.

Last night it was Dad Duty. I realize I haven't written about my adventures of Dad Duty when Brooke has to go to work in awhile. Almost every one yields a story worth sharing. I managed to keep everything under control last night until bedtime. Jake usually does a good job of lying down to go to sleep on his own, but last night, as soon as I laid him down he reached his arms back up for me and crawled up into my arms.

That is pretty unusual since he mostly does not like to be rocked to sleep. So there I am standing by his crib as he has crawled up into my arms and onto my chest. Go ahead girls... "aw"... I know. It was a special moment until my lower back and arms figured out he doesn't weigh 10 pounds anymore. Swaying back a forth with a small tank in your arms isn't easy on the body.

After I put him down I just reflected in the glory of the moment. I know those opportunities won't last forever. And I had forgotten the comfort and security of being held in my Heavenly Father's arms. What a gentle and warm embrace and a place of refuge. There is nothing like being held by the Father. "Guard my life and rescue me; let me not be put to shame, for I take refuge in you" (Psalm 25:20). What a great promise from Scripture.

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