Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Mission Nicaragua :: Day 5

It's pretty late for me here so I think I'll condense this a little bit tonight. Today was pretty similar with the girls painting at the Rescue Home and the guys working at Diamaris' home in La Trudecca. We both had some great opportunities to interact with the families as they have continued to open up to us. We are a huge hit among the children - especially me since I stuff my pockets full of goodies. Today the phrase was, "Gringo, perlota ami" (basic translation: "Hey white guy I want a ball") as I gave away inflatable beach balls. But it is such a joy to see the kids faces as they receive a toy to play with. Of course, then I have to prepare for the mob of neighborhood kids to rush in a swarm us!

We guys had to endure a torrential downpour on the jobsite that made for a very muddy afternoon of work. We had already started filling our trenches with rebar and concrete - I think all in all we made about 5 huge batches of concrete. But the rain filled our 1 remaining trench so we had to remove the water before we could continue... but we worked through the muck and finished the foundation today.

The girls started adding some decorative touches to the home. They painted flowers and Bible verses on the walls. This will be such a blessing and a stark contrast to the homes these girls will come from. Most of their homes are filthy and made of scrap pieces of tin found in the dump.

Tonight we had a great team time with Mike Buzbee as we got to hear his heart and hear some challenging and encouraging words from God's Word. This team is a great team and are really processing well what God is speaking to them and teaching them so far. We finished the evening with some encouraging words and prayers during our small group time. God is really stretching all of us and challenging our thoughts and views of life as it relates to living as a fully-devoted follower!

Thanks for the prayers for our sick stomachs. Most of the team has been able to endure the discomfort and work through it. Everyone was doing much better tonight and we pray that everyone will be able to join the teams for a day of work tomorrow.

1 comment:

Ken Bell said...

Be sure to tell the Buzbees hello for me. They may not remember me, but I was in Covenant Community Church with them when I was in law school. Also, I am glad you all are doing better with your stomach ailments. Know you remain in our prayers.

Dad and Mom