Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I See Red Glowing Numbers... UGH!

I began writing this entry in the wee hours of the morning last night. I think I started when I saw the little red glowing numbers were reading 3:43 AM and remember still going around 4:17 AM... the only problem was I was writing this entry in my head and not sitting at the computer. Maybe I should have just gone ahead to the computer and got going! I think I saw every hour of the night last night. It was oddly reminiscent of pulling an all-nighter in seminary trying to bang out a Church History paper in one night (sorry Dr. Bray if you are reading this) watching the hours of the night turn into the wee hours of the morning and tick closer till class time. Although, no paper last night and no class in the morning - just 2 boys. Jake didn't have a good night last night trying to sleep. I know he was somewhat congested, and I'm sure that didn't help, but he kept waking up just about every hour. Then, sometime in the 4 AM hour, Brock came in to tell me about his bad dream where an alligator ate him. So after reassuring him he had all his limbs and he was still alive, I walked him back to his room to get him back to sleep.

I can remember in college, seminary and being young in the ministry and really loving nights like last night. Not being awakened all night by my kids, but having fun, grabbing some late night Krispy Kremes, writing papers or running around the church gym until I just couldn't go anymore. But not so much anymore. I've found I don't really enjoy seeing the little red glowing numbers posting times where only people on the other side of the globe should be awake. Somehow in the middle of all of the craziness and lack of sleep last night a spiritual thought popped into my head - go figure. Who thinks spiritually at 3 AM? Well I was reminded that the God I serve was awake right there with me. "He will not let your foot slip - he who watches over you will not slumber" (Psalm 121:3). How amazing is that? While I wasn't really enjoying being awake much less having to tend to my children's needs, God was on His throne watching over me. So, I was comforted to know that while I was watching red, glowing numbers... God was watching over me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.