Saturday, July 28, 2012

Mission Nicaragua :: Day 4

It is so funny how you learn to just roll with things down here.  I am the director of a large camp in the States that takes an amazing team to facilitate the 300+ high students that attend.  We have a budget and a schedule and we stick to both.  However, here in Nica it's a different story...

We arrived to the Ranch this morning and I didn't think to get the keys to the house from Brinson, so we had kids waiting while we were locked out and Manuel was off on his bike to find another set.  To fill time, I taught the kids how to play manhunt and then we did a scavenger hunt.  When we finally got unlocked and set-up, the power was out for the community.  One of our stations requires power.  So we adjust.  During one of the sessions, the main gate was left open and three horses walked out (we don't have horses at my camp in the States) and thus I've never wrangled horses before - especially ones that I presume don't understand English.  However, crisis averted and now I have a new skill.

It was getting close to lunch time and the lunches weren't there.  So I borrow one of the kids bikes to ride through the neighborhood to find Brinson.  Should have checked to see if the brakes worked, but that just made the ride that much more exciting - along with the potholes and curious stares from the community on why a gringo was riding a bike through their neighborhood.  But the lunches finally made it.  God provides.

So on the ride home it gave me some time to think about how today's events would have reeked havoc on my world (camp in the States) and today, I didn't really blink an eye.  We just look to God and figure He's got it all in control and it will all work out.  Note to self: bring this principle back home with you as it is definitely transferable to the States.

It really was a great day.  We installed a Tarzan swing yesterday and launched kids as young as two years old high into the sky.  OSHA wouldn't have approved, but the kids were delighted.  Our team did great running their stations and all the campers are "getting it" (the Gospel) at the Bible station.  Some are even asking great questions about Jesus.  After lunch, we had a great time playing and just hanging with the kids.  But then we peeled out a bit early to head over to Manuel's home to help on the new build.  This truly is a super team!

To tackle camp and construction in the same day is quite a feat.  We were all worn out, but everyone jumped right in and put in two solid hours of work on the new house.  His whole family was out helping us and continually brought out fruit to eat (not too many takers, but I seem to be the "Mikey will try it guy."  Not sure why, since I have a Mikey on my team this year).

Tonight we talked about hearing God from His Word.  I was encouraged by our team's honesty in revealing their struggle to be consistent in God's Word and to really hear from God through His Word, yet also encouraged to hear their desire and dedication to jump in and try.  God has been speaking and moving and we are all learning to better tune in and engage.  I continue to rejoice hearing them share where God is stretching them and challenging their faith.  Please continue to pray for us!

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