Wednesday, February 29, 2012

da-da's lap

I heard the click of the door and it's subsequent closing only to look up and see my little toe-headed boy, blanket in tow, heading my way.  At first all I could see was a silhouette.  There was just enough light coming in through the doors from the neighbors security light to break through the darkness of the living room.  But that didn't matter much... he knew where to find me.  I'm in the same place every morning.  So as his eyes began to adjust to the darkness of the room he started his walk over to me.

He only uttered one word... "da-da".  That was all he needed to.  The relationship is already well established... he just wanted me to know that he was coming into my presence.  I didn't need to say anything at all.  Just welcome him into my lap and wrap the blanket and my arms around him and continue on in prayer.

Mornings come early here in the Veleber household.  So for me to have some true "quiet" and time alone with God at the dawn of each new day, that means it has to happen before dawn!  Today was an earlier than usual start for my little guy, but what a powerful picture it brought to my prayer time. 

Here I am "da-da".  I'm just letting you know I'm here by saying your name.  I know you've been waiting here for me.  In fact,  you're always here when I need you.  I enjoy sitting in your lap.  Being embraced by your loving arms.  I don't feel the need to say much, as I know our relationship is secure.  I find great rest in your arms and peace fills my heart when I'm here.  This is a great way to start my day.  Thanks for your love and care for me.  Thanks for singing over me and delighting in me.  It's gonna be a good day.  We'll keep talking throughout the day, but you know I'll be coming back to this same spot - even though I'm not sure what exact time it will be - but look for me, because I'll be coming.  I love you "da-da."

My little Cole obviously couldn't articulate the encounter we had this morning with these words, but he did with his actions.  And the imagery was profound and came rushing into my mind, painting a beautiful picture with exquisite detail... my relationship with my Heavenly Father.  What a very similar morning routine I share with my son and I hadn't really realized it. 

The Psalmist David has taught me much in regards to a passionate longing for God and His Word and an understanding of what it means to practice the presence of God.  He writes in Psalm 63:1, "O God, you are my God. At dawn I search for you. My soul thirsts for you. My body longs for you in a dry, parched land where there is no water."
That same sentiment is expressed in the chorus of the song "Forever Reign" that we often sing in our student ministry.
Oh, I’m running to Your arms,
I’m running to Your arms
The riches of Your love
Will always be enough
Nothing compares to Your embrace
Light of the world forever reign
I look forward to the "da-da" moments I have with all of my boys.  The relationship and connection grows each and every time.  And I'm learning the same is true spiritually.  I desire to have the same longing for my "papa, Abba Father" and to run to His arms as my boys do with me.  There perfect love is found.  There my soul is restored and my energy is renewed.

He's always there.  Just waiting for us to say "da-da" and we'll find His arms open wide to receive us.

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