Thursday, November 17, 2011

Germany Bound

Germany is calling again. This will be my third mission over to Germany. I've grown to love the people and culture. I have great respect for the missionaries and national pastors giving their lives to the Gospel in such a spiritually dark place. Many will labor years to see a single convert. But there is always hope when the Gospel goes out. But the Gospel must go out. Romans 10:14, "But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?"

We will use music as a means to evangelism. We'll be partnering with local churches and missionaries to do concerts to open the door for relationships to be formed. The Germans love music and we'll have the opportunity to present the Gospel through song. But I'll also have the opportunity to share the Gospel each night. Our travels will take us throughout Germany to the following cities: Munich, Hohenfels, Cham, Nurnberg, Seigen-Geisweld, Cologne, Bruhl, Seigburg, Rudesheim, Mainz, Frankfurt.

I would greatly appreciate your prayer support for our team as we travel, sing, build relationships and look for opportunities to share the Gospel in word, song and in deed. I'll do my best to get some updates posted as I have the chance here ( and on Facebook.

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