Sunday, July 31, 2011

Mission Nicaragua :: Day 4

Our first full day of camp is in the books. What an awesome day other than the time the Nica kids woke up. The boys started stirring (and by that I mean walking around talking loudly) at 4:52am. Apparently in their community they are up early to do chores and some have to then walk 4km to school. Most then go to bed when the sun sets, which would be around 7pm here.

But we managed with the lack of sleep and actually had a great day! We started off with the students leading their stations - arts/crafts, music, Bible, English and sports. Then on to lunch, swimming, dinner, chapel and a movie. It was a full day for sure, but one where God was definitely working! We are slowly seeing some of the walls come down when it comes to relationships and an openness to the camp experience. We are continuing to pray that the Nica kids see the Gospel through our lives, our smiles & hugs and when the Word of God goes out, we are claiming that it goes out and doesn't return void!

I think I can speak for everyone when I say that despite feeling physically tired, our souls are coming alive and being renewed by the Spirit. Not only are we having good time alone by being unplugged and having uninterrupted time with the Lord, but we are also having good team time together in the Word. Last night we tackled all of chapter two of Galatians and looked at the freedom we find in the Gospel. We talked about how the Gospel exposes our hypocrisy and we were all challenged to look into our hearts and as the question, "Where does hypocrisy manifest in my life? Where am I believing something that I'm not living?" And then how can I surrender that to Almighty God. How can we daily crucify our sin, our self our desires, our dreams, etc. in Christ so that we no longer live but it is Christ who lives in us (Gal. 2:20).

Please join us in praying that God will continue to work powerfully in our camp tomorrow and the rest of the time that we are here. We are believing that God is going to save souls and change lives this week. We are preaching the Gospel to ourselves and preaching it in word and deed every day! Thanks for standing with us in prayer. Don't forget that we have a prayer guide online at!

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