Wednesday, April 30, 2008

30 Days to Live

I just started a series with my students on Wednesday nights I'm calling "30 days to live" which has been inspired by the book I'm reading, "One Month to Live" by Chris & Kerry Shook. How would you live your life if you had 30 days left to live? It's not a new question... I assume it has been around since death. Even though it is hard to think about, it really does bring incredible clarity to life when you try to answer it.

I've invited them to join me in living the next 30 days (which happen to be the last 30 days of their school year) with a no-regrets mindset - in total devotion to live for the glory of God.

Death is such a powerful word. People don't like to think about it, much less talk about it. Yet throughout Scripture we are reminded to live in the moment... to live every day as if it were our last since we aren't promised tomorrow. The focus isn't on death, but on life.

My heart desires to embrace Paul's passionate understanding that to live is Christ, but to die is gain. I want to live life with a reckless abandon to the cause of Christ - to be about Kingdom things, investing in things that matter. I want to live in the moment. I want to love deeply, serve passionately, plunge into the depths of relationships, receive God's grace freely, move missionally, speak the Gospel unashamedly and follow God closely.

I pray that my journey in "life" these next 30 days will result in my life more fully yielded to God. To be able to live as a true Christ-follower, based on His example. Jesus at age 12 said, "I must be about my Father's business" and then 21 years later, with his dying breath said, "I've completed the work you called me to do."

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